Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why Are Foods and Supplements Made for Children Packed with Hazardous Chemicals, Hidden Aspartame and GMOs?

Why Are Foods and Supplements Made for Children Packed with Hazardous Chemicals, Hidden Aspartame, and GMOs? Very Good Question! I just finished reading an impassioned and quite inspiring article by Dr. Mercola asking this same very good question. Why Indeed?

He begins by arguing for a nutritious diet and how eating healthy will give your child a healthy mind, and a higher IQ! Additionally, eating inferior foods, devoid of real substance, like that of junk foods will only condition your child to the taste and desire for them for life. Not to mention, setting the stage for all sorts of physical manifestations of ill health to appear. 

The list is long and dangerous; the least of which can be observable behavior problems; from attention deficit syndrome-like symptoms to hyperactivity, and even to the extreme, leading to aggression and violence! These aren’t prescription drugs, or brain chemical deficiencies that are causing this phenomena...they are directly caused by the foods we as a society and as parents are feeding them; or at the very least, allowing them to eat it!

He then lists, asthma, eczema, and a variety of allergies, and inflammatory conditions; including, autoimmune diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer, to round off the list of the usual suspects that a diet of junk foods produces.

Later on in the article, he actually references a young girl asking McDonald’s CEO some pointedly perceptive questions. It is quite revealing how convincingly he lies to this little girl. Shame, shame, shame on you McDonalds!

Below is a screen capture taken from Dr. Mercola’s website and its link:

Investigating this subject in detail Dr. Mercola sites a related article and its author Michele Simon, a public health lawyer specializing in industry marketing and lobbying tactics, suggests adding your voice by signing the petition created by Corporate Accountability International, urging CEO Don Thompson to stop marketing McDonald’s to children.

The screen capture will give you the facts as to who is lying:

I strongly suggest you as a parent or as a concerned citizen read the article in its entirety. Please also sign the petition and make sure your child stays as far from McDonald's as you would protect them from a contagious Ebola-stricken person.

After reading this article, you will never need to ask...

Why Are Foods and Supplements Made for Children Packed with Hazardous Chemicals, Hidden Aspartame, and GMOs?

You will simply know...


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